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Lenfomada hiperterminin etkisi

Lenfomada hiperterminin etkisi

Kategori   Hipertermi   Lenfoma   | 29.11.2016

Lenfomada hiperterminin etkisi 

Effect of hyperthermia on AKR lymphoma variants differing in degree of malignancy. 


Cancer Invest. 2001;19(8):791-8.

Sharabi Y1, Klorin G, Leibovici J.


Author information

• 1Department of Internal Medicine D, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.



The effect of hyperthermic treatment on AKR lymphoma cells of varying malignancy was investigated. Tumor cells were pretreated at 37 or 43 degrees C and then injected to mice. The effect on the highly malignant variant, TAU-38, was compared to that on the low-malignancy variant, TAU-39, following both subcutaneous (s.c.) and intravenous (i.v.) inoculation. Hyperthermia showed no effect on the TAU-39 variant following s.c. inoculation on the primary tumors or mice survival, but the TAU-38 variant exhibited a significant delay of tumor appearance following treatment, namely, decreased tumor size and increased life span. Following i.v. inoculation, in both variants, hyperthermia caused a significant decrease in metastatic spread and an increased life span. We conclude that hyperthermia, in addition to exerting a greater effect on the high-malignancy variant, acts at the late phases of metastasis. Hyperthermia might therefore have a place in the management of cancer in its advanced disseminated phase.